jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013

Today i am going to write about the comparison between palenques music and dance and the Alvin ailey dance company,  fist of all i would like to  show the differences:

1. the way of dressing, while in alvins company the clothe is more elegant and style, using white and black color, in palenuqes music and dances, the clothe is very colorfull and not fit to the body, wearing is more about tradition.

2. about dancing, we could say that alvins company has prepared a choregraphy, while in palenques musis are just you and the music and you dance how you feel, showing freedom and a sensation of comfort

now i would like to explain similar aspects

1. both of them are about black people and thebeginnings are black tradition

2. with the music, both of the groups try to explain their feelings and representate different moments in their life and history

3. in the dacing always try to move as much as they can their body, and through the body explain and represent many ideas

As you can see, superficially are differences but at the end music, feelings and passion for what they do, put together these two companies or groups, no matter where you are from or which lenguage you speak, music always remain.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

A sport I consider has shaped my personal culture, has been soccer. soccer has made me a very active and athletic boy because it helps me to not only to my health but also my mood. Iplay 3 times per week, so i am always working out and eating healthly food. its not only my hobby, because I also play in a league, being the young man in the team, i play for PROTEGER SEGURIDAD LTDA,which is a security company, and they also ask me to take this seriously and is a commitment to me.

everytime i feel angry or bored I just kick the ball and start playing and it feels like things get better and feel a little bit high and forget problems for a while and i just have fun so in a way soccer makes me feel better. for some people is a hobby but for me is a lifestyle.
about the kiva s reading, i would lend money to miss blanca,because I think is very original and creative. I also trust in those kind of nutrition and consider that these products are very attainable  to people with low money income and because of this promovea new  way to feed and mantain not only young but also every kind of pople no matter age or sex.

an other idea would be that this product has worked for the people who trusted her and their opinion works to me like proof that miss blanca isa  person who you can trust on and the benefits of her whey.

jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

About the video of racism against the afrocolombianss i think is sad to accep it but is true, is not a recent polemic and not a secret that most o the afrocolombians people have difficulties getting jobs and studies, not only because their color but also because the historical and economical descents. even being that our reality, we have to accept that he governament has given to them and also to the whole society ways to defend their rights and protected them in much situation, looking for equality and respect. for surewe all hope this change and trust in the responsabilit of the state to help not only racism against afro colombian but every type of racism

lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013

about the video of the tinariwen :

1. What do we learn about Tuareg culture from this video?

      that they are very passive and try through music to give messages and share what they feel, they also look like very familiar and as a strong and united group
2. Keeping in mind what you learned from this interview, how does seeing the visuals within the video and knowing the meaning of the lyrics give us a deeper understanding of Tuareg culture?` 
bbecause we know how they feel and how tired they are about politicals and social situacions, asking for their rights and knowing whay they wanna express and what they think about unfair situations that make their lifes difficult

jueves, 31 de enero de 2013


About the reading :
1.   . What different points of view do we see in this story?                                                                     the differences between someone who has "everything" and someone who has "nothing", the white and the black in that order, the white who has studied and who doesnt has needs and someone with no studies and living the poorness, they are used to different thigs and life styles and havent shared same situations, or being on the other shoes.

2. Explain the reasons behind the miscommunication that occurred between these two men.
because they were not really listening to each other, they couldnt even finish conversations or ideas and they were always yelling, the white man was no tolerant and the black man was to shy like to conclude a word or an idea, tehy should have talk peacefully and politely
about the reading of the article, i can say that i am so priud of my city, and i think we deserve that status, because we have improve in some many aspects and develope a lot in cultural and social areas, and it will bring so many benefits and it is one of so many things that shows that people from the caribe and coasts are succesful people.

questions / answers:
1. was choosen because of our pounds of culture and because of our folklore and cultural richnnes and because we are so positive, optimistic and friendly

2. of course, because we will be shown in international channels as capital of culture and it will open up not only our city but also our country to the economic and merchant wolrd

lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Hi, my name is andres ponce, I study at the universidad del norte, in barranquilla, love lenguages and speak english and a little bit of italian btw i am studying italian, love reading and movies, also use to play soccer and try to work about at least twice a week, love eating hahaha and enjoy a lot having a capuccino and talking about life, chilling and messing around with my friends